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These protein-packed overnight oats are a creamy and wholesome breakfast or snack option. They are quick and easy to prepare, requiring just 5 minutes of prep time. Each jar of these overnight oats contains over 20 grams of protein, making them a satisfying and nutritious choice to start your day. Here’s how to make them:


  • 1 cup old fashioned oats (not quick oats)
  • 1 cup milk of your choice (dairy or dairy-free)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 scoop (about 30 grams) Healthy Heights Protein Powder (vanilla or chocolate)
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup (or sweetener of your choice)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (or a pinch of nutmeg)


  • Nut butter
  • Nuts
  • Chocolate chips
  • Fresh or dried fruit
  • Greek yogurt (for a thicker option)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the oats, milk, chia seeds (if using), Healthy Heights Protein Powder, maple syrup, and cinnamon. Stir well to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  2. Divide the mixture evenly into three glass jars with lids, then securely close the lids.
  3. Refrigerate the jars for at least 4 hours, but they can also be left for up to 72 hours to achieve a thicker consistency.
  4. When ready to enjoy, remove the lid and add your desired toppings, such as nut butter, nuts, chocolate chips, or fruit.


  • Opt for old fashioned rolled oats instead of instant oats, as they provide a better texture and absorb more liquid.
  • If you require gluten-free options, make sure to use certified gluten-free oats.
  • For optimal creaminess, refrigerate the oats for at least 4 hours, or longer if desired.
  • Feel free to customize your overnight oats by adding your favorite toppings and flavors, such as Greek yogurt or additional protein sources like nuts or nut butter.
  • Store the jars of oats in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Avoid freezing them.

Start your day with these protein-packed overnight oats featuring Healthy Heights Protein Powder. They are not only delicious but also offer a convenient way to incorporate high-quality protein into your diet. Enjoy the creamy texture and experiment with various toppings to make it your own!

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